Signs of Emotional Abuse<\/strong><\/p>“,”#colspan#”],[“Physical<\/strong>“,”Behavioral<\/strong>“],[“
- Developmental Delays<\/li>
- Wetting Bed, Pants<\/li>
- Speech Disorders<\/li>
- Health Problems (Ulcers, Skin Disorders, Obesity and Weight Fluctuation)<\/li><\/ul>“,”
- Overly Compliant or Defensive<\/li>
- Extremely Emotional, Aggressive, Withdrawn, Anxieties, Phobias, Sleep Disorders<\/li>
- Destructive or Anti-Social Behaviors (violence, cruelty, vandalism, stealing, cheating, lying)<\/li>
- Inappropriate Behavior for Age (Too Adult, Too Infantile)<\/li>
- Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors<\/li><\/ul>“]]