As children reach adolescence, they experience and learn about their body and mind’s physical and mental changes. Sometimes adolescent children may display behavior that turns into violence and abuse as they try to make sense of their maturing body and the world around them. It is crucial for parents and supervising adults to recognize what is known as peer-to-peer abuse and not dismiss what they see as “kids being kids.” Peer-to-peer abuse is any behavior that involves two children or teenagers that are regarded as harmful and coercive, which includes bullying, cyberbullying, and sexual abuse. This article from the United Kingdom’s NSPCC details how to recognize peer-to-peer abuse and how to respond to the situation. Additionally, the Training Module from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill includes more descriptions of what leads to peer-to-peer abuse and recognizing its signs in children.
Module 4 – Strategies to Recognize and Reduce Peer-on-Peer Abuse
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