7 Critical Safety Rules To Teach Kids
This article from The Pragmatic Parent website lists seven important rules parents should share with their children to help keep them safe. Some of the tips listed include teaching children to recognize warning signs and unsafe situations and “tricky people”
Children’s Online Safety on Adult Social Media Accounts
With many young children and adults accessing social media and surfing the Internet, they are more likely to be exposed to adult content at an earlier age. Many social media apps and websites have installed age restrictions and parental controls.
A Parent’s Guide to Cyberbullying
As social media usage is on the rise, bullying and peer harassment amongst young adolescents are also increasing in the form of cyberbullying. This is an additional article for parents to reference to learn more about what cyberbullying is and
What Can Parents Do About Cyberbullying?
Social media apps are increasingly popular amongst young children and adolescents, allowing them to communicate with each other and even strangers on the Internet. This can expose children and adolescents to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a form of humiliation, harassment, or
How to Help Kids Deal With Bullies – Parent’s Guide
Bullying occurs when teasing becomes hurtful, unkind, and constant. Peers intentionally use physical, verbal, or psychological ways to torment and create a power imbalance with the one they are bullying. It is very important to take bullying seriously and understand
General Bullying
What Can Parents Do About Bullying? Children can be involved in bullying as the perpetrator or the one being bullied. In this article from UC Berkeley, a developmental psychologist explains how adults can help their children reduce the risk
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Podcast Episode
In Episode 560 – Preventing Child Sexual Abuse on Johns Hopkins University’s podcast Public Health On Call, public health experts discuss some ways to prevent child sexual abuse from happening. It is important to understand that sexual abuse towards a child
“The Kids are Not Alright” Podcast Episode
Many teenage students, especially girls and LGBTQ students, are experiencing a mental health crisis. According to CDC data from 2021, many young people are experiencing depressive symptoms and violence, sexual harassment, and bullying that have exacerbated the crisis. On the
A Parent’s Guide To Drug Emoji Messaging
Recently, there has been an increasing amount of substance abuse and overdose among teenagers. Many young adolescents have access to social media and have been communicating with strangers through “drug emojis” that can even bypass parental controls and seem harmless.
Preventing Child Sexual Grooming on Spotify and Other Apps
Spotify is a music and podcast streaming platform that allows users to create an account, compile their own playlists, and “like” their favorite songs. Even though Spotify seems safe enough for children to use independently with some parental guidance, parents